We Receive 25% Per Booking, Our Services will Include:
Finding, Booking & Dealing with Guests (on call 24 hours)
We will create a professional post with the perfect eye-catching photos & write up of your property attracting more
potential guests.
We Pay for All Marketing/Advertising on (Facebook, Instagram, Google, SEO etc… to help bring the most number of bookings each
We will be Advertising it on the major International B&B platforms dealing with all the ins & outs of being on those
Complete & Thorough Cleaning of The House After Each Guests, Ready for the next ones (except when the guests were not
booked by us, but are your own private guests).
We do all the Book keeping & Accounts for you, calculating all fees & taxes.
And a Monthly Report of all Transactions, Fees & Bookings will be sent to you via email, & your monthly profit
deposited in your preferred account each month.